What is our Mission?


Draw on the collective experience of members at monthly “roundtables”.


Through interactions at monthly meetings, to supplement and support members’ professional and personal relationships.

Encouragement of ADR

To disseminate the highlights of “roundtable” discussions and developments in ADR practices.


Through the ADR Roundtable website and print media, to provide a vehicle for members to communicate their skills and experience.

See full Mission Statement

About The Roundtable

The ADR Roundtable is an informal group of more than 30 practicing lawyers, educators and leading ADR practitioners with an active interest in ADR practice and procedure and enhancing their dispute resolution skills.

They share a commitment to the highest professional standards and a willingness to serve as neutrals—arbitrators, mediators and evaluators—to foster the creative resolution of commercial disputes. With an average of over 25 years' experience, they emphasize early problem solving and prelitigation mediation. Members of the ADR Roundtable do not charge administrative fees unless their services are retained through an ADR provider which has such a fee structure.